The Foundation

It is well discussed and agreed globally that every person has the right to get a quality education without any discrimination or exclusion. However, both developing and developed countries face challenges in guaranteeing equal educational opportunities to all their citizens. Social justice and equity are becoming increasingly associated with educational accessibility through which the socially deprived people can come forward to the mainstream. But marginalized groups are often left behind, denying their right to education. Individuals who are not in mainstreams are subjected to discrimination and exploitation in multiple facets that is, they belong to more than one marginalized group. Education in various forms definitely catalyst the process of social change and achievement of social justice. To develop an egalitarian society, the education system can play a prime role in equipping the citizens to draw out their capabilities and thus ensuring a deserving place in the society. 

The groundwork for a better life lies in education. It is the most powerful catalyst for social transformation. Education empowers an individual to earn their livelihood and also increases one’s awareness on a range of issues. But it is very unfortunate that a majority of children of our country of the deprived conditions are still excluded from the mainstream of education and hence they cannot participate in the social, cultural and intellectual affairs like their other peers. It appears that current educational programs should equip to address the needs of children who are vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion for building a better future together

The Samit Ray Foundation is primarily engaged in providing financial and other assistance to meritorious students, who find that their education is being impaired due to poverty. From healthcare, to appropriate social behavior, to understanding one’s rights – Samit Ray Foundation seeks to educate, empower and cultivate better citizens. The Foundation has helped benefit over 5000 students, running a number of live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood, and women’s empowerment in villages and urban slums across the state of Bengal.

The Foundation has undertaken a number of projects for upliftment of poor of the districts of North and South 24 Parganas. Free medical camps in remote areas of Bengal, are regularly conducted for people who do not have access to medical facilities. A free doctor’s clinic is operational at Adamas Knowledge City that has a specialist doctor visiting every day. A 24 X 7 well-equipped ambulance service is also there. Free education camps for rural poor and coaching camps for poor educated youths is also run by the Foundation. The Foundation plans to set up a craft training centre to help rural youths seek sustainable livelihood and become self-sufficient.

The Foundation also runs a unique programme of empowering women, who are either abandoned by their husbands, or are widowed or do not have anyone to help them. This programme is a 2 years training and skilling programme, that is provided free of all costs. Women, who are taken in, are also provided free food and clothing.